1st Air Conditioning & Heating is a Professional Air Conditioning & Heating, Repair and installation company serving Los Angeles County, Air Conditioning Services

Air Conditioning Repair

Actually very few problems with your heating or cooling system are caused by the equipment. Most problems can be traced to an improper installation. Heating and cooling system is made up of four components, only one of which is controlled by the manufacturer. First, there’s the equipment itself. The manufacturer has complete control over this component. Second, there’s the refrigeration piping and charging. This is the responsibility of the installing contractor and must be done with precision. Third, there’s the electrical power supply.

Today, all air conditioners and furnaces are controlled by computerized circuit boards. A properly grounded and circuit protected electrical supply is critical. This too is the responsibility of the installing contractor. Fourth is the ducted air supply and air distribution system. The contractor is responsible for designing an air supply system that will keep you comfortable in your home and will also prevent premature failure of your equipment. All of our new installations come with a parts and labor guarantee, as well as a satisfaction guarantee.